Stopping time is a useless power
Stopping time is a useless power to control your life. Time is the one thing that makes or breaks us, and we have to use it effectively to accomplish what we want or to achieve something meaningful. The problem with stopping time is that you are stopping it at the wrong time in order to accomplish something. In order to truly stop time, you must realize when you are “stopping” it and what you are stopping it for. Here is a great question for you to ask yourself as you try to stop time: “What’s the purpose of stopping?”
The important thing about stopping time is that it teaches you something. When you learn how to use time correctly, you will see that stopping time is not really about stopping it at all. It is about taking action toward completing the task at hand. This, by definition, makes stopping time a very important thing indeed!
By understanding this concept, you can take time to get more accomplished and accomplish more, which leaves more time for you to do more things. You no longer need to worry about how long you will have to finish what you have started, because the goal is just to do it! By using this tactic, you can keep yourself motivated, even when times are tough. And with motivation, there is no better feeling than seeing tangible results, like seeing a tree come down when you pull its strings!
So, now you understand what action! Well, since you know that action is the one thing that gives you results, why don’t you go do it? The one thing that stops most people from doing what they should do is that they believe that time is not on their side and it will take them all the way through the process before they see results.
When you use the power of action! You do not wait for time, but instead you do what you have to do and move forward. The only way to move forward is to be able to remove doubt from your mind and convince yourself that you are going to do it. This is by making the decision that the important thing is to stop what you are doing right now, do not delay it any further, just DO IT! !
I know it is very tempting to postpone your action because you are concerned about how you will look while you are working or sitting down. But if you want to get the results that you want, then you have to do the things that have to be done. This is by removing your fears and doubts that are stopping you, and believe me it is very easy once you overcome the fear of stopping time!
Here’s another example. If you are worried that your legs will fall asleep while you are sitting on your chair, then you have to go ahead and put a pillow between your legs so that they do not feel comfortable. Once you have done this, then you will have succeeded in stopping time. Of course, it is much more important thing to do that rather than worrying about your legs falling off!
You see, stopping time is only a useless power if your mind is always thinking about it. If you want to succeed, then you have to train your mind to see success rather than success happening to you. You can do this by training your mind so that you focus on the process, rather than on the end result. For example, if you are trying to lose weight, then you have to train yourself to be aware of how many calories are being burned when you are sitting down, rather than concentrating on losing weight! And this goes the same for anything that you want to achieve. It does not matter if you are trying to become the best salesperson in the world, or the best lover ever, you have to train yourself so that you focus on the outcome, rather than on the process.
Stopping time is a useless power powered by Takethispin.
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